Yohanes Ivan Batha

Pernah terpikir melakukan apa yang tidak kamu sukai? Kebayang ya kalau kita mau melakukan hal yang tidak kita sukai. Hidup berasrama di tempat terpencil suatu hal yang tidak pernah terlintas dipikiranku sejak kecil. Tapi itulah kenyataan yang harus saya alami ketika saya disuruh masuk ke sekolah SMK ANCOP berasrama Likotuden. Bagaimana saya bisa hidup disini? Itulah yang saya pikirkan hari-hari mejelang masuk sekolah. Apapun kata perasaan saya namun saya memutuskan harus berani mencoba.

Hari-hari pertama memang sulit. Semua hal dibatasi, tempatnya jauh dari kehidupan masyarakat, semua hal harus dikerjakan sendiri. Awalnya saya harus memaksakan diri dengan situasi serba diatur ini. Berjalan beberapa lama, saya bertanya dalam hati “Kog saya masih betah?” Ternyata perlahan saya menikmati irama kehidupan di asrama. Saya menemukan teman baru yang menjadi saudara. Berjuang bersama dalam gembira dan sedih. Para guru yang menjadi orang tua bagi kami. Mengikuti misa harian menjadi suatu kebiasaan baru yang selama ini bahkan ke gereja mingguan pun sering kali gagal saya ikuti. Kini aku merasa mempunyai kepribadian yang dibarukan. Mandiri, solider dan mencintai Tuhan. Terimakasih teman-teman, terimakasih para guru dan pengurus SMK ANCOP.

Yohanes Ivan Batha
Siswa SMK ANCOP Likotuden

Have you ever imagined doing something that you don’t enjoy doing? Try to imagine such situation: doing the things that you don’t like. Living in a dorm in a remote area was something that never crossed my mind as a child. But that was the reality I had to face when I was enrolled to the ANCOP Vocational High school dorm in Likotuden. How can I live there? That was my thought on the days before the school started. However, whatever it was that I felt, I decided to be brave in trying it out.

The first few days was difficult. Everything was limited, the area is far away from other people, and we must do everything on our own. At the beginning, I needed to push myself into this orderly situation. After some time, I have a question in my heart, “Why do you still contented being here?” In fact, I’m slowly enjoying the rhythm of dormitory life. I found new friends who become brothers, struggling together in happy and sad moments. The teachers have become our parents. Following the daily mass has become a new habit for me who used to miss the weekly Sunday mass. Now I feel that my personality is renewed. Becoming independent, in solidarity and loving God. Thank you, all of my friends, teachers and committees, in ANCOP Vocational High School.

Yohanes Ivan Batha
Student of ANCOP Vocational High School Likotuden
